Thursday, December 24, 2015

Congressi Khawarij Deobandi ... ???

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There are many who are asking why are we attacking the Congressi Khawarij Deobandi now on the social media?

Our reply is:
"Because Pakistan army is attacking them on ground in the final battle against Khawarij and our war on social media is the second axis of the same war to support Pak army operations. This war must be won both on ground and on ideological axis. The military and ideological power of the Khawarij must be broken totally together. Pak army can destroy them militarily but we the patriots must attack and destroy the Khawarij through the argument of Quran and sunnah!! "
All soldiers of Rasul Allah (sm) and patriots must clearly separate themselves from Khawarij and their ideological backers -- Darul Uloom deoband India !! If anyone stands with Khawarij and their fitnah gar sect, then he is one of them and not from Ummat e Rasul (sm) !! Know this well.
Also, let us destroy the arguments of Khawarij that all Jihad groups in Afghanistan and Kashmir are deobandis. This is total lies and propaganda form the Khawarij.
All Afghan (Pashtuns/Uzbeks/Tajiks) are sunni hanafis and there are NO deobandi / barelvi anywhere in Afghanistan. Hekmaytar, Rabbani, Khalis, Sayyaf, Mullah Omer, Haqqani, Mujaddid, Gilani etc are NOT deobandis but Sunnis only, some even from sufi orders. Deobandi/Beralvi sects are only names in India and Pakistan. There are no deobandis in Iraq, syria, Libya etc or anywhere in Muslim world, not even in Afghanistan.
In Kashmir, LeT of Hafiz saeed is Salafi NOT deobandi. Hizb ul Mujahideen of Sallahuddin sb is Barelvi. These are the two large groups. JM, Harkat, albadr, are deoband but many of their commanders have left Jihad and have joined the Khawarij and are now fighting against Pakistan like Ilyas Kashmiri, Ismat ullah Muawiyyah... etc.
The reality is that Congressi Deobandi's are NOT doing Jihad anywhere. They are only fighting the State of Pakistan, serving the Mushriks and now have become the Khawarij !!!! That is the reality !!
As we said, all those who love Pakistan, must speak out against Khawarij and be counted. Else, they are one of them for staying neutral in the war between Imaan and Kufr !!!
 Terrorism in Pakistan
External LINK (1) ===>> Syed Zaid Hamid said, 
Only Deobandi Khawarij and their idiotic morons accuse me of spreading sectarianism and speaking against their sect and "Jihad" .

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